Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Wet and Blustery James Canyon Jaunt 200k!

The final 200k of the season started dry but under glowering clouds, with patches of wet pavement from overnight storms.  So the 14 riders who showed up made for a good turnout!  
Despite the clouds, some nice color in Lefthand Canyon ...

The info control blackboard in front of the Jamestown Mercantile festooned with seasonal pumpkins:

As we head north into Larimer County, we meet some prolonged chilly, windblown rain.  I catch up to John Flanigan, slowed down by a broken chain:

But he gets a ride to Sandy's, where he and Brian Rapp thaw out and fortify themselves.

A tailwind blows riders at least partway back towards Boulder County, and some great foliage lining 75th through Hygiene.

Meanwhile, John has managed to repair his chain with a chain tool and make it to the finish, not for credit but for the satisfaction of a good ride.

And yes, the sun breaks through in the final moments, as Brian Rapp, Henry Snavely, and Tammie Nakamura can attest.

Thanks to everyone joining us on our final brevet for the season!
It was held a week late, on October 13, as the prior Saturday threatened overnight road freezing (and was miserable all day with drizzle in the 30's).
Please consider riding some Permanents or Permanent Populaires this off-season, alone or even better, with some friends!


  1. I enjoyed the write-ups. I would have been there but was in Calif doing a 600K down the Pacific Coast Hwy. It was perfect weather and awesome scenery. I did think of my biking friends. I knew it was cold here. Great job everyone. You all should be proud. Its difficult to get out there in the cold. Usually once you get going though, it works out fine.

  2. Dave Holmes used to provide Randonneuring brevets. They started and ended in Eldridge, IA. When Dave passed away, the brevets were lost. Of the 700 QCBC members, are any interested in this type of riding and would participate in a brevet series?

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