To me, riding a permanent in February is the most difficult month to complete such a ride. With February being the shortest month of the year, coupled with unpredictable weather leaving the roads marginally passable, work schedules, and most importantly family commitments, it is a challenge to one's dedication and perseverence.
I was able to complete the Carter Lake Cake Walk on February 8th despite predominantly wet sandy roads, while other roads had large snow packed segments. At times, I was wishing I had ridden my Surley snow bicycle.
Although this was my second slowest 200K ride ever, I was quite pleased to now be a quarter of the way to an R-12 award on my third attempt at this award. I marvel at those who have strung together multiple consecutive R-12 awards, which I consider a truly remarkable achievement!!
Eldorado Springs was cold in the morning shadows. |
Road 29 was washed away by last Fall's flooding (note missing road prior to left side of bridge) requiring a detour to Masonville. |
The northern most point of the ride was at least sunny, and NOT the snowiest point of the ride. |