Here is the latest jersey mock-up, with "RUSA" added on the front to distinguish it as a RUSA award ... and below, the ACP SR medal ...
- Q: "Can I use the same rides to qualify for the ACP SR award and the jersey?" A: Yes, our ACP 200k, 300k, 400k, and 600k brevets will qualify you for both. But the RUSA-only sanctioned brevets, and brevets of greater length, will only qualify for you for the jersey.
- Q: "ACP-sanctioned?" A: For example, the May 2 Kersey Kick 200k brevet is RUSA- and ACP-sanctioned; the Stove Prairie one was only RUSA-sanctioned. The decision to submit some to the ACP calendar and not others does not reflect on the events themselves, but goals for the overall program. The sanctioning is flagged on the schedule.
- Q: "Can I use a past year's Super-Randonneur series to qualify for the jersey?" A: Yes!
- Q: "Why have broader criteria for the jersey than for the ACP SR award?" A: The jersey is a RUSA award; RUSA wished to be more inclusive in being able to earn the jersey, and to highlight US events.
Hope this helps, and that whether either or both is your goal this year, you'll have a rewarding journey getting there!
When will they be available for order and do you know how much they'll cost yet? Stephen
ReplyDeleteThey should be available pretty soon for order (how's that for specific?). Note that the ordering deadline is October 1 (with fulfillment by year's end), so at this point, there's no rush to order.
ReplyDeleteShould be in the $75 range. I'll check on both questions.
Also, although perhaps I'm stating the obvious, to order the jersey, you need to have completed the qualifying rides for it.